Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pharmacological Quandaries

So the military says that people in the region of the world that I'm going to be in should take these anti malaria pills. Of course one of the things the warning instructions that come with the pills say to do, is to stay out of the sun.

Uh..... The standard forecast for Kuwait is "Hot.....with an abundance of sunshine."


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Human Pin Cushions

Well today wasn't the greatest day I've ever had. Starting at oh-dark-thirty (5:30) we gathered for a "movement". Basically they move the group somewhere. Not the other kind. Anyways..... First stop was CIF, Central Issuing Facility. Here we picked up our TA50 gear. This is our body armor. Why do I need a -30 sleeping bag on Kuwait again? So 2 hours, and 60 pounds later, we move to the medshed. Here they process your medical and dental records to make sure you're deployable. I have to give these folks credit. They move 450+ people a week through the system.
Medshed took about 6 hours. But in the end, I only needed 3 more vaccinations. Small pox, Anthrax and Twinrix (HEP A/B). I was lucky because I'd already had most of the required shots. But some guys ended up feeling like this guy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Georgia rain

It rains in Georgia. I mean it RAINS in Georgia. In the last couple of days it's probably dumped more water than Nevada sees in 6 months. Oh ya... Lightning as well. See that tall pole on the end of the building? There's another one just like it on the other end as well. With a big fat static line between them and tied to ground. Instructors says the poles or line get hit all the time. Nice.
This is the TSIRT building. Big enough to hold about 500 people. We've got about 450 in it this week. 60% DOD or contractors. All headed overseas.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

CRC Housing

These are the barracks where everyone stays during CRC. Mostly contractors and DOD but also the military folks.

So far it's kind of like being back on the service. Lots of hurry up and wait, some "marching" and of course paperwork. But no saluting, and no one yells at you if you don't shave.

Lots of people processing this week so everything takes a while to do.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well..... I guess it better than sleeping on the floor.

But I missed dinner last night and breakfast this morning. Nothing better than Gatoraid and pop tarts to start the day off right.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Well... Finished up my last day at SOS today.

You ever do something you think is really the right thing to do, but once the decision is made, and you actually do it ..   you want throw up?

Ya that's pretty much it.

All BS aside...  I've been really lucky to work with the people at the last couple of agencies I've worked at.

I wish "Joe Public" could see that we're all not a bunch of teat sucking slackers and that 97.9% (yes, I realize there are "those" workers...) of state workers actually give a shit about the job they do.

About 36 hours to go before launch.

Does anyone else happen to think that pigs are pretty much the greatest food source ever?

Ignore everything they talk about except for the "wonderful magical animal" ...   but....  I do LOVE lamb.....  hehe...they eat a lot of that in Kuwait..or is that goat?   meh.... it's all good!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Outta Time!

Well, I am out of here on Sept. 24.  5 days in George, then on to Kuwait.

Took for ever to get all the paperwork complete, but now it's like 'you're leaving RIGHT NOW!'

Might get a couple more posts in while I'm @ Fort Benning, but will probably be a week or so after that before i get back on line in-country.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First post!

Well....  I finally got around to posting something.  :)

Not too much going on yet.  Mostly paperwork.... passport, VISA, etc.  I'll post up again when I know for sure when I'll be leaving.