Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Well... Finished up my last day at SOS today.

You ever do something you think is really the right thing to do, but once the decision is made, and you actually do it ..   you want throw up?

Ya that's pretty much it.

All BS aside...  I've been really lucky to work with the people at the last couple of agencies I've worked at.

I wish "Joe Public" could see that we're all not a bunch of teat sucking slackers and that 97.9% (yes, I realize there are "those" workers...) of state workers actually give a shit about the job they do.

About 36 hours to go before launch.

Does anyone else happen to think that pigs are pretty much the greatest food source ever?

Ignore everything they talk about except for the "wonderful magical animal" ...   but....  I do LOVE lamb.....  hehe...they eat a lot of that in Kuwait..or is that goat?   meh.... it's all good!


1 comment:

  1. Hey we didn't get that ride in this year. Guess I'll wait till you are back, don't think I'll fly over to Kuwait just to tour the desert. Look forward to reading your view of things from there.
