Monday, October 18, 2010

The Internet. Or lack there of it in my case....

Hello again!
Well, you might have noticed by now that my current internet situation is, shall we say.... less than optimal.  For an IT person that's used to having always on, uber fast connections, the connectivity over here basically sucks.  How slow are we talking here?  How's this:

Nice huh?
All this can be yours for the small some of $30US a month.  Go ahead.... I know you want to.....  laugh at my expense.  Don't think it's all that slow?  Go test your own connection right now. click the speed test link in the upper right corner.  Go ahead.  Go test.  I'll wait.....

Back now?  See what I mean?

There are faster solutions, but I can't get any of them until I get my 'Civil ID', which is really jsut my Kuwaiti residence visa.  Good thing that only takes two to three months.

OK....OK.... it's not really that bad.  And it won't be this way the whole time I'm here.  And, I do have access at work, but it's pretty much for official use only.  Some personal use is allowed but no posting to blogs, etc.  Which explains why I haven't been updating lately.

So what's my job like?  Well, I get to get up at 0430, get ready to go, and then drive 1/2 and hour out to the work site, work for 12 hours doing systems admin stuff then drive drive back to Buehring.  Spend 30 to 45 minutes clearing the inbound security check point, then go grab some dinner, take a shower and go to bed.  Repeat for 4 more days.  Yes, the long days catch up with you.  Which is why I have rediscovered the joys of coffee!

Also.... and this is REALLY good news.  They have pork, and pork products on base!  Yes, the other white meat, the wonderful magical animal, the super-duper swine..... marvelous pork.  When I discovered this I felt all warm and fuzzy.  It was either the discovery of the pork, or I was standing out in the sun.  Either way, I felt better.  :)

Well, that's about all for tonight.  I'll try and post up tomorrow with answers to some of the questions I've been asked about how things work over here.

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