Friday, October 8, 2010

Welcome to Buehring!

Well, it been a few days since I've really had a chance to sit down on my laptop and get on the net.  I've had hit and miss connectivity using my iPhone, but you can't really type long posts with it....


I finally made it out to Camp Buehring.  While not the biggest base in Kuwait by number of buildings, it does have the most people and take up the most land space.  I won't be posting anything that might be classified but if you have questions, feel free to ask. 

CB sits at the northern end of Kuwait, about 15 kilometers from the Iraq border.  As such, about 99% of the military folks carry a weapon with them at all times.  Kinda of odd getting used to that, but it does give you a sense of security.

So I got here on Thursday after spending most of the week in Kuwait City at my company's villa.  Nice place.  5 floors, and about 25000 square feet of living space.  Typical villa for the neighborhood it's in. Here's a pic of the house across the street.

Of course I went for a walk to find some food and found what has to be the tallest signpost for the most common food joint in the world
for comparison, here's the sign for the one on Camp LSA where we in-processed....

I also passed this building....  one of many around the city..

Since I've been at CB, I've really just been sitting around waiting to go to work on Monday.  It's very dusty here, as there's only one paved road on base.  Well that and the fact the we're way the hell out in the middle of the desert.  It's been around 105 the last couple of days, and the only time people come out is after the sun goes down.

It's really kind of odd here.  In addition to the DFAC's (dining facilities) there are several food courts.  The biggest one has Subway, Baskin Robbins, Taco Bell, a Philly cheese steak place, and a Green Beans coffe shop.  And last night, on stage, live from Camp Buehring.....


Not really my type of music, but they sounded pretty good and the crowd enjoyed the break from the norm.

More to come tomorrow.  :)

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