Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blast from the past - 14 NOV 2010

So I got the truck for the day (day off) and went for a drive.  Went over to Camp Virginia and got a couple of things, then came back.  Drove out this road I'd seen on Google maps.  It really just goes nowhere.... well sort of nowhere.  It goes to a building/area that I think may have been a firebase during Gulf 1. 

But it's a way straight road to get to it...
Here's the view from the other side of the building.  This might impress on a few of you just how flat it is here...

If you kept going this direction, you end up in Saudi Arabia.

On my way back to Buehring, I ran into some more friends....

You do have to watch out for these guys....  I've been told that if you happen to hit one and kill it, you might as well pack your bags, because you're going home, AND your company ends up paying a million dollars to the owner.  They really value their camels.  I don't know if this is true or not, but I don't want to find out.  Plus, they are kind a cute....

More later...

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