Monday, January 3, 2011

Room, basic room

The intertubes are being happy tonight, and I figured out why some of my pictures wouldn't upload, so yeah for me.

So a couple of people have asked what my room looks like.  Basically it's just a room about 16' X 20'.  It's normally split up between two or three people.  Right now, the 3rd guy is more or less never here, so I hijacked some of his space for the other guy and myself.  My area is about 8X10.  I was lucky enough to buy a couch, TV and a couple other items from a guy shipping out, so at least I don't have to sit on my bed all the time.  And the TV is big enough to XBOX on.  :)

And before anyone asks....  that little thing sticking up from the corner of my laptop screen is the 3G wireless adapter that makes the intertubes come to life.....sometimes.

I also got this as part of the package:

Not the biggest, but it does a good job a keeping stuff cold.  No freezer though.  :(  Those are boxes of bottled water underneath it.  You can't, I repeat CAN NOT drink the tap water in this country.  Which is really sad considering that they de-sal something like 95% of their fresh water and it's some of the cleanest in the the plant.  But the water system is awful.  And that's in town.  Here on Buehring, ALL of the water is trucked in.  EVERY. SINGLE. DROP.  And yes, we do run out on occasion.  I've been lucky not to have had to rinse off using bottled water yet.

And what do I currently have in my fridge?

(best thing in there is the little bottle in the door with the green label and red cap  :)  Thanks Baby!!)
Actually, the Hot Pockets have already gone bye-bye....

I know it seems like a really small space, but since I work 12 hours a day (with an hour drive each way), other than my days off, I'm really just sleeping here.  And I try to go do other stuff on my days off.  They have a movie theater, a couple of rec halls and plenty of places to go sit and read, so the room isn't that bad.  They just installed a new AC unit, and it works nicely as a heater too.  Now if I can just get the other roommate to keep the temp somewhat cooler than the surface of the sun......

More later...

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